Genometric predicates

class MD(number)[source]

Denotes the minimum distance clause, which selects the first K regions of an experiment sample at minimal distance from an anchor region of an anchor dataset sample. In case of ties (i.e., regions at the same distance from the anchor region), all tied experiment regions are kept in the result, even if they would exceed the limit of K

class DLE(limit)[source]

Denotes the less-equal distance clause, which selects all the regions of the experiment such that their distance from the anchor region is less than, or equal to, N bases. There are two special less-equal distances clauses: DLE(-1) searches for regions of the experiment which overlap with the anchor region (regardless the extent of the overlap), while DLE(0) searched for experiment regions adjacent to, or overlapping, the anchor region

class DL(limit)[source]

Less than distance clause, which selects all the regions of the experiment such that their distance from the anchor region is less than N bases

class DGE(limit)[source]

Greater-equal distance clause, which selects all the regions of the experiment such that their distance from the anchor region is greater than, or equal to, N bases

class DG(limit)[source]

Greater than distance clause, which selects all the regions of the experiment such that their distance from the anchor region is greater than N bases

An additional clause that can be specified in a genometric predicate is UP/DOWN, called the upstream/downstream clause, which refers to the upstream and downstream directions of the genome. This clause requires that the rest of the predicate hold only on the upstream (downstream) genome with respect to the anchor region. More specifically:

  • In the positive strand (or when the strand is unknown), UP is true for those regions of the experiment whose right-end is lower than, the left-end of the anchor, and DOWN is true for those regions of the experiment whose left-end is higher than the right-end of the anchor
  • In the negative strand disequations are exchanged
  • Remaining regions of the experiment must be overlapping with the anchor region
class UP[source]


class DOWN[source]
